Here’s a recap of what all happened at Resurrection this past weekend:

Rev. Anne Williams delivered an empowering sermon: Facing the Unexpected with Sarah.

During worship, Pastor Adam gave a quick video message standing in the John Wesley room at Lincoln College - Oxford University where Methodism got its beginning.

FaithWork: Overall 174 people served at Saturday's Faithwork. Activities ranged from bingo with residents at a local nursing home to playing board games with children at the Salvation Army Children’s Shelter. One of the highlights included 164 meals being served at Central UMC in KCK.

RezDowntown Faithwork:  RezDowntown had their own Faithwork event which drew 50 people to help serve the downtown community. Associate Minister Todd Maberry gave an update on the serving opportunity.

"RezDowntown had a great FaithWork this past Saturday.  Half of the group went to Crossroads Academy, a new downtown charter school, to paint and move furniture in preparation for the upcoming school year.  The other group divided into teams that removed trash and weeds from 28 city blocks surrounding the downtown campus.  The teams also used street chalk to leave encouraging messages.  Thanks to everyone who was able to come out!"

Below are some photos from Saturday's RezDowntown FaithWork. Click on the icon to see the full image.

RezWest Concert: RezWest hosted a Potluck Picnic & Concert last evening, featuring Chasing Grace.  Over 250 people attended and enjoyed a wonderful evening of fellowship, music and family fun.  There were games in the park lot, craft tables in the entry, an amazing group of guys grilling hamburgers & hotdogs and countless volunteers helping with everything. All of this was capped off with a wonderful concert by musical artists Chasing Grace.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday:  Embracing Honesty, Stuff Christians Think but Don't Say. Time: 6:30 pm. Location: Leawood Campus Student Center.

Do you ever find yourself in conversations that sound more like Christian clichés than what you’re really thinking? Like so many others, Christians seem to keep their most frank thoughts to themselves—worried about what others might think if they were brutally honest. But what might happen if we embraced the honesty of the thoughts that come across our minds every day? Perhaps we’d just get the odd look. But we might possibly find ourselves in a world fresh with accountability and unparalleled growth.

Be a part of this conversation as Group Life Director, Chris Folmsbee leads this discussion to help us engage in an authentic Christian life.

Wednesday: Caregiver Support Group. Time: 2 pm. Location:East Building Room 221.

A Caregiver Support Group will meet the fourth Tuesday of every month  at 2:00 pm in Room 221, East Building, Leawood Campus.  All family caregivers are welcome:  those caring for spouses, parents, long-distance caregivers, those whose loves ones are in long-term care, or those experiencing anticipatory grief.  Will include faith devotional and prayer, resource information and an opportunity for guided sharing at round tables. Registration is not necessary. 

Thursday: Grief Ministry. Time: 6 pm. Location: East Building Room 300.

Unresolved grief can linger for years. Anyone is welcome to attend these classes led by Reverend Karen Lampe and Reverend Karla Woodward no matter where they are on their grief journey. A light meal will be served at the beginning of each class followed by a teaching time and small group discussion facilitated by trained grief coaches.  Personalized grief counseling for children and youth is available by appointment.

Saturday: Glory Revival Concert. Time: 7 pm. Location: East Building Lawn.

Come enjoy the music of Glory Revival, a group of Kansas City musicians who write songs and perform together, using their musical gifts to worship God. Invite some friends and make it an evening out. Food trucks will be available outside the East Building before the concert, which starts at 7 pm in the Student Center.