Listen to last week's Live Forward audio message here.

Hello everyone!   Last Thursday, 190 people came to Live Forward!  A number of you have already shared your positive experiences with me.  One person shared that Healing Hurts Class gave them a chance to talk more openly about their struggle rather than their spouse's struggles.  One man shared how the SMART Recovery class was a great compliment to the excellent 12 Step experience he has also received here at Resurrection.  31 people attended the Essentials Class and engaged that week's topic of Boundaries which related equally to people who were stuck in Hurts or Habits.

It was a great first Thursday, but it is only one Thursday.  This week, we are doing it all again.

Whatever you find yourself stuck in, this program can help you Live Forward.

This week's message will specifically address the Impaired Thinking that allows us to get really stuck.   Impaired Thinking can include the ways we overcompensate for our negative self beliefs, hide from them, or are motivated to create other faulty beliefs.   Some forms of these faulty beliefs can be found on this list of Cognitive Distortions, compiled by Aaron Beck and David Burns PhD's.  We are going to look closer at a few of the items on this list in Thursday's message and then examine how trusting in Jesus' words about us can create a different path forward.  If we knew that we were loved and, in Jesus' opinion, worth dying for, what difference would that make on our daily, run of the mill thoughts?

I would like to encourage you to look through the link above and identify which distortions, if any, you tend to practice.  I am looking forward to seeing you all this Thursday Night.

* Note the changes for this week only

Dinner 5:30-6:30pm (*Wesley Chapel in East Building)
Worship 6:30-7:20 pm (*Wesley Chapel in East Building)
Small Groups 7:30-8:30pm (In Rooms Announced in Bulletins)

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Steven Blair